Having the
Longer Conversations
in Women's Healthcare
Hello! My name is Amanda Ricker, and Welcome to Women’s Wellness for Life!
I've been working in Health care for the past 21 years - as an RN, Family Nurse Practitioner, Certified Menopause Practitioner and Certified Nurse Midwife - and all of that has brought me HERE.
After sitting w/ thousands of women discussing hormones, hot flashes, periods, fertility, motherhood, loss, change, & birth; I have learned that my patients are wise. They know their bodies and they want and deserve more time with their medical providers.
Women's Wellness for Life is my answer! I love this platform of DIRECT patient care because it lets me meet you where you are! There is no middle man. There is just you and I strategizing for life in abundance.
My intention is to supplement your traditional medical care by providing an individualized plan by INVESTIGATING, EQUIPPING you w/ female specific research, and ENCOURAGING you along the way. I work hand in hand w/ your Primary Care and GYN Physicians like any Nurse Practitioner would without the rush of a medical office setting.
Check out my blog and hope to see you one on one so we can get started on the next chapter for you!
-In Gratitude-
John 10:10
My Medical Experience
● 19 years as an R.N.
● 13 years as a Family Nurse Practitioner & Certified Nurse Midwife
● Certified Menopause Practitioner for 8 years (less than 1,500 of us in the U.S.)
● Certified Fitness Instructor
● Professional organization memberships - North American Menopause Society, American College of OBGYNs, Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health, National Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneur Network, American Academy of Procedural Medicine.